Sneaking to and from the tree line.

Have you ever wanted to learn about turkey hunting or have you tried turkey hunting and were unsuccessful? I have lots of experience in turkey hunting and have been guiding friends and family for years. Do you have turkeys on your property but need someone to call one if for you, call Andrew Milliron at Ironway and he can put a gobbler in front of you this spring. I can help you bag a bird this spring or teach you how to hunt, call, or general turkey tactics.

Tim Zywicki- April 21st 2014


Now that is first professional guided hunt is under his belt he is eager to help out more hunters. Tim Zywicki for example (shown above) enjoyed success on the first morning and within the first hour of his hunt. It doesn't always happen that fast but when you put in the scouting time and get to know your birds, success rates stay high.


Tim's bird up close.