Land management is a big subject that needs to be looked at in pieces. Depending on how big a property is we can break it down with maps, categorize each area of different habitat (northern mesic forest, conifer swamp, crop field, bog, etc).  To us land management is getting the most out of the natural resources of the property but also making sure they are sustainable over time. Never having too much of one habitat type or one species of game or plant species, variety is our best practice. We want to work to allow the habitat types to compliment each other for example one provides food like a beech/oak flat while a stand of young white pine or hemlock can provide ample cover for wildlife to move from a water source to the flat for mast consumption.  

At Ironway we work with landowners to determine what their land management goals are and where they want their land to be. They may want to increase the amount or tonnage of browse for whitetail deer so we could make openings in the timber to allow under story trees and vegetation to grow.  



The landowners may have no trees or natural cover so we can go in, plant trees, shrubs, to provide breaks on the property for wildlife. You may want us to plant rows of pine trees as breaks for the wind or to keep snow out of crop fields as the winter snow blows in. We like to plant trees on the outer edges of properties to keep wildlife from being seen from active roads and keep the property in general more private.